Sunday, February 22, 2009


Max has been learning to ride his bike. He is posing for all of you in this picture - what a handsome fellow. Aunt Sarah is better at teaching him than I am. I really don't want him to fall so I hold on tight, while Sarah is a bit more relaxed. I have told him that he needs to learn to ride before his birthday which means we only have 23 more days. This one is for you Grandma Shirley - GO BRONCOS!!!!!!!
This is the face of Kieran lately. He is almost always grumpy. At least he looks cute while he is grumpy. Oh yeah, it doesn't look fantastic in this picture but I cut Kieran's hair. I have only ever used clippers on hair before but this time I used scissors and clippers and it actually looks pretty good for being my first time and having a very wiggly subject. The best part is he didn't really scream through the whole thing.


KassiahMyers said...

Nice pics! The boys look great! It was good to see you all last week.

Anonymous said...

I have seen Kieran eat doughnuts so I'm not surprised he didn't want to wake Grandpa up! Rowan looks like he could get a call from
the Broncos at any time - keep him ready! Go Max - It's scary learning
to ride, but when you finally do, wow, it's a whole new world! Emily, I don't think a pro could have done it any better, plus you saved twelve bucks!! Way to go!
Miss you all - Kisses to the boys!
Love, Sunshine