Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Very cute video!

Oh my how time flies! I started school again in August and have been kept very busy ever since. The kids are growing so fast I just can't believe it. I hope everyone enjoys the pictures as well as the video.

So I have tried multiple times to upload a video of Rowan walking and have failed miserably, but finally it has worked. This is so cute. He gets better at walking everyday and even can attempt walking faster. He likes to play chase and run away from me when I want to change his diaper. He is sure ready to turn one in a few weeks. He is such a big boy.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Super cute kids!

Okay so my kids are pretty darn cute. I thought I would put up a bunch of pictures so everyone else can think they are super cute too. We are having a pretty good fall so far. I just can't wait for it to start cooling down again so I can bake and actually cook dinner in the oven. I find myself wanting to narrate quite a bit so I will keep it short this time. =) Max and Kieran are eating a snack in the laundry basket.

I just can't get enough of those baby blues. He is so precious.

Kieran helping Grandma wash off the onion harvest. He had a fantstically wet time. Rowan helped to but I couldn't hold him in the water and take a picture - sorry.

Kieran has found many new hobbies - one of which is cutting paper.

As promised here is a picture of my suprised toilet flusher. I think he likes to get caught.

Max is looking very cool in his new hoodie - thanks Kris.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My Little Toilet Flusher

Okay so I have been wanting to post but I just find that downloading the pictures is sometimes annoying. I know it inly takes a few minutes but I guess I am just being picky. Kurtis took the camera this week so since I can't even download the absolutely adorable pictures I have captured lately it will just have to wait. Hopefully you guys will just read about the kids instead.

First off I will update on Rowan - he is the one changing so much everyday. He is 10 1/2 months old and is super cute. He is more confident now with taking steps but still only takes a few and then falls down. He no longer needs any support to get to a standing position. When all the kids are playing and running around he stands up and takes a few steps and falls down but gets right back up to try again. This evening he and I were playing chase. I would chase him down the hallway and he would in turn chase me back down the hallway. It was absolutely hilarious because as we were crawling he would put his head down to go even faster. He is all boy - already thinking about wind resistance. It completely cracked me up. He even has a new favorite activity. He has to be pretty sneaky about it though. He likes to sneak into the bathroom and flush the toilet. He often waits until I get there and I say, "ROWAN" like he is being naughty, then he smiles at me and starts to jiggle the handle on the toilet. Who knew a 10 month old could be so creative. Rowan loves to play with his brothers - especially Kieran (I think it is because they are so close in age) I love to watch all of them make eachother laugh. It makes all of my hard work worth it.

I suppose I'll do Kieran next. He is growing into quite a 2 1/2 year old. He is still sure to tell me of his opinions but he is starting to agree with me a little quicker on some things. He is really starting to pay attention to the feelings of others. He even says sorry on his own some of the time and does his best to help Rowan feel better if ever he is upset. In fact the other day in the car we were driving home from ny brother's house a little bit past bed time and Rowan was fussy the whole ride home and Kieran did his best to comfort him. He said, "I know Rowee, I know" and "It's okay". It was absolutely darling. We have not started potty training yet. I think with Kieran's personality we are going to have to wait until he wants to do it. We have everything ready though and we talk about it etc, etc. So Keiran is not allergic to milk - we had him tested. But the allergist wanted him to go milk free for two weeks and then slowly add dairy back to his diet. He is almost done with his two weeks and I am so glad. It has been very hard to find decent dairy free food. Dairy is in just about everything.

Max is last but certainly not least. He has started the 2nd grade and is doing great. One if his good friends is in his class which makes for an exciting time, I'm sure. He is a pro at eating hot lunch and having lots of fun at recess. His dad and step mom just had a new baby and Max now has 3 little brothers. I am excited for him and all of the fun he is going to have. Max is just as creative as ever and is always keeping himself busy with crafts and projects. He is starting to love to read. He likes to read about things that gross me out, like spiders and snakes (boy stuff). That is probably part of the fun of reading it too. He loves to show me the pictures and tell me digusting facts. I feel like I could never get enough time with him to hear all of his interesting and ideas and new songs and dance moves that he has come up with. I almost forgot, Max is playing flag football this fall. Practices are sure fun to watch and it seems like he is really having fun. He is still also very into music and learning lyrics and listening to make sure there are no bad words in any of them. OH he is such a character.

I hope all of you who read this are doing great. Our little family is doing pretty well. We are enjoying eachother and loving eachother more everyday. (I'll put pictures up this weekend of my little toilet flusher when Kurtis gets back.)