Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Holy Cow!

We went to the Cozy Cow Dairy this morning. It was fun, we got to watch cows being milked. Some of the cows were huge and some of them had quite an attitude. The man milking the cows even squirted milk from the utter at the kids. Fortunately there was a glass wall. They loved it. Kieran just sat in amazement while Max commented on everything and Rowan was pretty bored. The dairy even had fresh made ice cream. It was delicious - we even brought some home for Dad. Kieran was scared of the baby goats but liked the baby rabbits. Everybody loved the tractor. Hope you guys enjoy the pictures!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Watch the video!!!!

We are still having a great summer. The first picture is of Max, one evening while we were all playing outside. The second id of Rowan after he pulled the tupperware and the Jello out of the cupboard. The third is from Nathan's graduation party, where Kieran and I were swinging together.

Rowan is getting so big. He is blabbering and crawling all over the house and getting into everything. He pulls pots out of the cupboards and bangs bread pans on the floor. He even turns the DVD player off when we are watching out reading show. In the video we are trying to get him to wave which he does all of the time, except when we want him to.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Big Boy!

Of all the things we have done in the last few weeks I think that the boys getting their new bed was the most important and exciting. Kieran now sleeps in a big boy bed and he loves it. So far we haven't had any issues with him and bed time - let's hope it stays that way. Max loves sleeping on the top bunk and they both love having more room in their room. On July 4th we did our usual morning run, pancake breakfast and parade. We all had a good time. Kieran watched the parade intently and Max had fun playing with his cousins.
I am so proud of myself for letting the kids play in the gutter, (for anyone who knows me that is a big deal). Kurtis even joined in the fun. We love it when it rains.

Rowan makes the goofiest faces and Kurtis decided to capture it on camera. He now has 4 teeth, pulls himself to standing and is super attached to his mama.