Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Very cute video!

Oh my how time flies! I started school again in August and have been kept very busy ever since. The kids are growing so fast I just can't believe it. I hope everyone enjoys the pictures as well as the video.

So I have tried multiple times to upload a video of Rowan walking and have failed miserably, but finally it has worked. This is so cute. He gets better at walking everyday and even can attempt walking faster. He likes to play chase and run away from me when I want to change his diaper. He is sure ready to turn one in a few weeks. He is such a big boy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope school is going good, I'm sure you're running like crazy, but they say if you're going to be busy, you might as well be really busy!!! I never fail to see smiles and happy faces on your boys! Can't wait to see Birthday pictures!!! XO Aunt Kris and Uncle Brian